Shifting Focus

Right now, I feel like the best thing for me to do is focus on the other things in my life besides my relationship. Obviously relationships are important, but I have let lots of things go by the wayside. And I have been too focused on my relationship being the only thing that makes me happy in life. And that is really bad. Unfortunately I do it a lot.

So I’m focusing on things like friends, career, exercise, and my pets. Not my partner. Because I don’t even know if he is a partner to me anymore. Boyfriend yes. But partner?

And I’m going on dates, and feeling good about the fact that I’m getting dates. I’m focusing on having a solid base of other things in life that make me happy besides my relationship. It doesn’t define me and it’s not my identity. It’s just a relationship for Christ’s sake, right?


I also have to wonder about something…These polycules, these poly molecules that are formed between people…How can they get so big? How do people meet so many people that they start dating? Not everyone can be that compatible with everyone they meet, so how do they do it? And how do people meet others they want to be polyfidelitous with? I’ve read about big groups who live together and date only each other and no one outside, and I have to wonder how they met all those people. Either I’m doing something wrong or I’m just not as social/horny as everyone else…